
 Tue, 09 Oct 2007 11:26:35 +0800

先引一段Douglas Crockford的文章:

Substandard Standard

The official specification for the language is published by ECMA. The specification is of extremely poor quality. It is difficult to read and very difficult to understand. This has been a contributor to the Bad Book problem because authors have been unable to use the standard document to improve their own understanding of the language. .....

這一段文字出自他的文章:JavaScript: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language,大意是說,因為ECMA標準寫得很爛,讓人看不懂,也讓人誤解。甚至連帶讓一堆書同樣寫得很爛,因為作者們無法拿標準作為依據。

作者自己有寫一篇好文章,提綱挈領地點出Javascript的特色:A Survey of the JavaScript Programming Language,看這篇文章絕對比看ECMA-262快進入狀況。

想要深入了解Javascript的話,Douglas Crockford的網站真的不能不看(感慨):
